Tobias Baus is a lawyer and engineer specialized in IP protection of technology and focusing on patent litigation. He is Salary Partner at Taylor Wessing Germany.
With 10 years of experience in the field of IP, Tobias advises on patent law and other intellectual property matters with a technical background. He represents clients in national and international patent litigation including the UPC with a focus on the sectors of engineering, IT and life sciences. Tobias also drafts and negotiates license and R&D agreements.
Tobias absolved his first and second State Examination in Munich. He holds an LL.M. IP from the University of Turin and is also engineer (Dipl.-Ing. Univ.) with several years of industry experience and technical emphasis on mechanical engineering, IT and medical technology. This double qualification serves in cases with both technical and legal challenges. Tobias speaks German, English and Spanish.
Tobias is a member of LES Germany and the LES Young Member Congress.